I guess it is time to admit that I am fully in LOVE with kidrobot Dunnys and Munnys. My obsession grows with each new series they come out with. My collection is small but it is growing with love.

Dunnys and Munnys are produced by Kidrobot. Kidrobot was founded in 2002 by Paul Budnitz. Most of what kidrobot produces are vinyl toys which are limited and later become collectors items. Kidrobot is known more for their Dunnys and Munnys however they produce many other toys and apparel and sneakers.

Now Dunnys are a vinyl designer toy that was created by Paul Budnitz and Tristan Eaton in 2004 and is produced by Kidrobot. They are a blind assortment meaning you never know which one you are going to get. This at times can get annoying as they are not all the same ratio and some are hard to find. So when you need just one more ( which is usually the case for me) I end up getting 4 of the same kind that I already have. On the other hand I get so excited when i find a 1/75 and it is a rare or hard one to find. I feel as tho I am 7 years old again opening my birthday presents in hopes it is what I have been asking for. As most Dunnys are artist collaborated they come with a artist card as to inform you on which artist created it. Some artists are commissioned specifically to create a Dunny making such as Obeys's Shepard Fairey.

Furthermore the LA series has a rare golden ticket in one of the boxes in which you can exchange it for a limited edition Dunny in store. Dunnys will always be a guilty pleasure for me to collect that is far too expensive. Also they have led the way for other vinyl toys such as the collectors edition of Vinylmation which is Disney's take on the Kidrobot Dunny.

The Munnys are a do it yourself vinyl toy. The originals came out in white and were 7inches but now there are many variations, the 4 inch Mini Munny, the Mega Munny which is 18 inches the Munny zipper pulls and the Mini Munny mobile ( pictured below) Munnys are a bit more fun to me. I have made three one that is pictured above and two others for Christopher whose names are Charlie and Isabel. Munnys are a great way to draw on a pre-made figure and a great way to express your artistic ability whether you believe you have any or not.

Now many claim that our cultures obsession with Kidrobot is due to the Pop Art movement in the 1950's / 1960's and I would say they are correct. Pop Art was a rebellion against what was excepted at the time. It started in the United States around the mid 1950's but really took off during the 1960's. The art was about the attitudes and sass that led to it but not really about the art itself. Now of our generation it is mostly about mass culture hence the love of things such as kidrobot, obey, the hundreds... the list goes on an on.

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