Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We Shotgun

I take a hit and look at him
I nod and he nods
He makes a funny face and I start laughing
ROUCH! He yells
I giggle some more
He begins to giggle
I begin to tickle him
He laughs uncontrollably
We just sit back and laugh
He takes a hit
We shotgun
I remind him our anniversary is coming up
He looks at me and nods
I become awkward
He asks "Is anything real anymore, is this real"
I give a strange look
he says "Forget it"
I say "No, nothing is real anymore"
I become sad
It becomes awkward
I make a cute joke
It doesn't work
He nods
I take a hit
We shotgun
I ask about Mad Men
He takes a hit
He blows it out
Rouch! I yell
Oh Shit, he says
We talk
We sleep