Tuesday, April 13, 2010

True Story

Me: 15 on 3 please
Gas Attendant: Why hello how are you?
Me: I am good thanks and you?
Attendant: pretty good
Me: cool, cool
Attendant: So does your boyfriend like that?
Me: Excuse me?
Attendant: Your ring in your nose
Me: Oh ummm yes yes he does?
Attendant: See I get the tongue rings for sexual pleasure but what does the nose ring do?
Me: its a septum ring and umm I don't know. Have a nice day!
Attendant: YOU TO!!!!!

*** To say the least that was a very awkward conversation with a much older Indian man***

Apparently I am on a roll (we had a mobile until come and test our hearing at work)

Mobile Doctor: I like the color of your hair
Me: Thanks!
Mobile Doctor: Is Huff your given or married name?
Me: Given
Mobile Doctor: Nice